SantaLand from our previous location was not produced by Holiday in Lights and Santa won’t be available this year. Rest assured that Santa’s Elves are busy redesigning a special Santa family experience so Santa will return in 2023!

SantaLand from our previous location was not produced by Holiday in Lights and Santa won’t be available this year. Rest assured that Santa’s Elves are busy redesigning a special Santa family experience so Santa will return in 2023!
During 2022, Holiday in Lights Show and 5K Run/Walk was held at Armco Park of the Warren County Park District. A fourfold increase in power costs made this event unsustainable as it had been historically run. These costs have continued to grow and we have been unable to secure a new location with a better electrical infrastructure for the Holiday In Lights show to date. Lasting Impressions Event Rentals, formerly The Alleen Company, will continue to assess new locations for the light show and 5K Run/Walk and hope to return in 2025.